Monday, October 25, 2010

Common Contractor Scams: Home Repair FRAUD revealed

I'm going to show you how home improvement contractors will often scam homeowners and how it happens constantly.

I've been in the professional field of home improvement for decades and I'm familiar with all the shifty practices that contractors will often employ to screw over homeowners.

I'm not saying that contractors will always be purposefully trying to rip people off, in fact I believe that most contractors are pretty honest but they make business mistakes that cause poor results to homeowners. Most of the time these involve a window salesman, siding salesman, roofing contractor or small additions.


It's very easy for home improvement contractors to lie about their business history. Talk with most any contractor and you'll find that they mention they have been in business 10+ years. This is because most home improvement contractors started working in the field as a kid during summers, so they often technically have a lifetime of experience. DO NOT confuse experience with skill in this field, because it doesn't really matter how long you've been doing it if you've been doing it wrong.

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